Ole Andre Schistad

WARNING: Construction site. Wear a helmet at all times

So you've reached my home page ? Though you might find something cool here ? Well , this is the proverbial it. There are some neat pictures to view , some huge mpegs to download , and links to other (cool) places on the web that may or may not be of interest.

First off , let me apologize for the fact that there are rather a lot of images on this page. I justify myself with the fact that I made all of them myself , and that I intend to use this page partly as a personal promo :)

So ; on with the show. Currently on offer :

  • Artful Animations
  • Incredible Images
  • Who am I??
  • Ways to ruin your hearing
  • Computers that changed my life.
  • Other cool things on the net
  • ...

  • Self Portrait
    Ole Andre Schistad - 20/3 - 95 , schizo@nvg.unit.no
    All of the images and animations you see on this page were partly or entirely created on my A1200 computer .

    I am currently in the middle my 12 months of mandatory military service in His Majesty the King's Guard , which will be completed on Oct. 3. this year. If you need to contact me , I can be reached by snailmail at :
    Gardist 52 Schistad , Tropp 1 , Komp. 1 , HMKG , P.B 7 RØA
    or you can call me on +47 22 49 72 16 and ask for 52 Schistad.